Sunday 23 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

I would like to take my time to wish all my readers a merry Christmas. This is one thing which unites us both sides of the pond, the Christian traditions, that is.

I've actually never been to the states, so I don't know about what goes on there Christmas time, but Churchgoing in Sweden, where I'm at, is in a steady decline.

Myself, I belong to the Evangelical-Lutheran Church which used to be the state Church, meaning you was born into the Church and for centuries, it was obligatory to be a member and no other congregation were legal. Back in those days, Churches were full of worshippers, today, I am, as a confessing Christian, something of an odd guy out. I pray several times a day, morning prayer, evening prayer, meal prayer at every meal and if there's something I'm grateful for or if  I want something good to happen to my neighbor, I turn to God. I know this is no silly thing, cos God usually replies, not with words, I don't have the benefit of direct communication in that sense, but in the sense things usually turn out alright. I also try to go to Church on every Sunday and major festivals. Usually, we're about 20 people, most of the others twice my age and that in a town of 30000 inhabitants with only one parish! No wonder people think I'm strange!

I think the reason behind this is, besides from the massive atheist propaganda in popular culture, the fact that people in Europe have a welfare state and as a labour man, I'm proud of that welfare state. The problem isn't the welfare, but the fact that people don't connect the fact that they have plenty and that the plenty has been given to them by a reason. They buy the satanic lie that they are their own benefactor and don't need to thank God for their blessings, nor share with Christ's minor brethren!

But why am I writing this?

Because I want to turn the tide and get rid of this thing called "xmas" or "holiday season" and put Christ back in Christmas!

Atheists in this country usually turn to the argument that Christmas really is a pagan festival of winter solstice and what we really celebrate is that light comes back to the world. So what? Isn't the important thing that Christ, who is the light of the world WAS born into this world? Days are unimportant, what's important is that Christ is alive and loves us.

So, again, I say, let's put Christ back in Christmas. What we have to celebrate is something beautiful and just as we let Christ's light shine through us when we love our neighbor or give thanks to our heavenly Father, let's make everyday Christmas! Let's live in unity with our neighbors and keep that charitable spirit all over the year and be our brother's keepers!

Christmas is a beautiful celebration, let's not forget the "Christ" in it and turn it into an orgy of consumption and commercialism!

So let's pray for a good Christmas for everyone and that we can turn the satanic tide in Sweden, as well as elsewhere and make as many people as possible believers when Christ returns triumphantly!

Merry Christmas to all my readers and your families!

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